Your Parenting is Showing: Episode 2 - Quinn Caldwell
Rev. Quinn Caldwell is currently a stay-at-home papa and theological reflector in upstate NY where he lives on a farm and raises fainting goats with his husband and two children. Prior to turning to full-time husbandry of all kinds, he was pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church in Syracuse NY and before that served at Old South Church in Boston. Quinn is a member (with Molly) of the UCC Still Speaking Writers Group and regular contributor to their Daily Devotionals series. He is also author of All I Really Want: Readings for a Modern Christmas (Abington Press; 2014). And he and Molly put together a yearly Advent Calendar for families to help put some holi back in the holidays.
We are so excited to welcome Quinn as our inaugural guest on Your Parenting is Showing! Join us to share in his wisdom on parenting kids of both the goat and human variety, on the true meaning of Christmas and how it epitomizes 2020, and on how handy it is to have been a cloth diapering family in a pandemic.