Guest Blog Post: Dance It Out

Here’s a wonderful guest blog post from one of the absolutely best humans I know, Carolyn Ash, my church’s director of family ministries. Carolyn is a deep practitioner of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), which has helped her, her husband and her totally wonderful and very spirited 9-year-old through some “toughies” as they call them.

If nerves are fraying and your parenting strategies are wearing thin on Month 8 of pandemic life, read on and find relief.


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Why summer camp is so good for kids...and parents too

Camp forces kids to figure things out on their own, deal with their own feelings and stumbles, without even the comfort of an end of day cuddle or debrief with mom and dad. But they’re never entirely on their own. They have peers and new friends, counselors likely only a bit older than them but who act as mentors and in locus parentis, camp directors and deans and ministers for when they’re really needed. (I still remember my beloved college-age counselor coming for dinner at my house at the end of that summer. It was as though Madonna had come to visit.) If you’ve given it to them, they also have a faith in themselves and in something bigger than them that they’ll be okay. They can make it at least until pick up day, even if they decide never to go back again. Regardless of whether they love it or hate it, camp is good for kids. Bonus: it can be good for parents too

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